Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh my goodness it's time to blog!

Hello again it's me! I haven't vanished off the Earth, I've just been lazy. Anyway, back to the blogging. Since my last post, I haven't done much redecorating. Just picked out a few paint swatches and lamp shades to replace the ones Holly (wore) broke. This week Holly and I are going to visit my parents aka. Nana and Papa for some good old fashioned spoiling! I can hardly wait. I will use this time to have my mom help me pick out some stuff for the house.

The real reason I decided to blog this morning, however, is a rather funny and GROSS story. I was talking to my parents on the phone this morning and Holly was watching Mickey Mouse of her favorites. She was pretty focused so I used the opportunity to make the bed and talk with the rents'. I came out a few minutes later and Holly came running up to me with a rather concerned look. She was whining and saying "poopie mama poopie." I, thinking only the best of my little girl, told my dad that we were working on potty training and that she must have to go poopie. "Working on potty training" means that we have purchased a potty seat and Nathan and I take turns congratulating one another when we go potty on the potty like a big boy or girl. Its funny the things we do for our kids. Anyway, I believe Holly has actually gone on the potty once or twice. I take Holly into the bathroom and suddenly I see brown down her leg, on her feet and her hands. She is crying at this point and rubbing her poopie covered hands together in horror. The little stinker, no pun intended, had taken her diapie off to go poopie all over my floor. UGHHHH. So I made a quick goodbye with my dad and threw her in the tub. She's lucky she is cute!!!


  1. LOL....I got a kick out of this when you told me this At least she came and told you before wiping it on the couch or wall or anywhere else. Shelby never did that, but her fave was in the worst fear!! The joys of parenting!!

  2. Okay, here's my poop story. And it was only about a month ago, so it's still "fresh" in my horror-ific file.

    Angus is apparently at the same place, potty training, as Miss Holly. The day of "The Incident", he informed me he had to go potty. Great! I heard the flush, from the other room and enquired as to whether he was done, and did the obligatory cheer. He hollered back with an emphatic "NO!". Maggie needed something DESPERATELY from the kitchen, so I went there. (Big mistake, and lesson #169 is: never, ever, ever trust a two year old. Perhaps you've learned this one better than I.)

    Anyway, I finish up with Mags, and Angus reappears, wanting new pants. I could smell poop, so I asked if he did his job in the potty, and he said he had. (See lesson #169...)

    About 5 minutes later, Maggie and I were in her room, trying to get her dressed and everything smelled like, well, what Angus had smelled like. We locted the source on her step stool. Gross. But easy to clean.

    I went to his room, after containing and sanitizing the scene of the crime, to dress him. On my way out, I kicked a little basket on the floor (I know, can you believe there's that sort of thing laying around MY house?) and STEPPED IN THE REMAINDER OF THE JOB!!!!

    I had to hop to the bathroom, which was highly amusing to the kids, gagging and trying not to breathe...only to realize that no matter where I tried to clean it off, I was going to have to disinfect THAT place, too. (Just so you know, I did NOT rinse my foot off in the toilet. I know you were thinking that...)

    Tell me again. Why did we think having kids was a good idea?

    I feel your pain. And I'm not sure I will ever look at a wicker basket the same, again.

  3. Mary you are too funny! I wish I could write as well as you do. :) Thanks for the story by the way. It's nice to know that even a mother of two hasn't gotten this whole "kid" thing figured out. ;)

  4. Hey there! Glad to see you "back" again. I am thankful that for the time being we are still mainly just concerned with attacvhing the diaper correctly, no matter how sleep deprived the parental units are at o'dark thirty! At some point we need to do a decorating scout mission to Lewistown and the shops there with things - I am hoping the antique shop just outside town has a china cabinet that I can save for....also there are some good estate auctions coming!!!!
